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Welcome, we are so glad you are here! Below are some frequently asked questions and answers that we hope will give you more information about our church. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

If you have any other questions, feel free to use the form below and we’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible.

You can also stay updated and connect with us on Facebook and Instagram.

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Frequently Asked Questions

It's my first time visiting MIC in person, what do I need to know?

Welcome, we’re so glad you are here! Here are more details on what to expect on your first visit. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Do I have to be a Christian to attend MIC?

You do not have to be Christian to attend MIC, everyone is welcome. We would love to share more with you about God’s inclusive love.

Do I have to be from the LGBTIQA+ community to attend MIC?

While at MIC we have a mission to be a safe place of worship for LGBTIQA+ Christians, we welcome all people to our church regardless of their ability, socio-economic status, sexual orientation, age, gender, race, ethnicity, or culture. We believe this to be the heart of Christ for His church.

This includes LGBTIQA+ persons, their families and allies who are looking to attend an inclusive church.

What is LGBTIQA+?

LGBTIQA+ as an acronym that stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Questioning and Asexual. It is an inclusive umbrella abbreviation of diverse sexualities, genders and sex characteristics. The plus sign indicates that there are many different terms used to describe identity, which are not covered under LGBTIQA. 

What is an LGBTIQA+ Christian?

A Christian is any person who loves God and regards Jesus as their Lord and Saviour. An LGBTIQA+ Christian is someone who believes the same and identifies as LGBTIQA+.

Does the Bible condemn the LGBTIQA+ community?

We believe that with proper exegesis of scripture we will see that not only does the Bible not condemn the LGBTIQA+ community but God has a great plan for LGBTIQA+ Christians. Misinterpretations and political and social biases have led to certain parts of the Bible being used to condemn LGBTIQA+ individuals.

We have a range of resources available if you’d like to learn more.

Does church cost money?

Attending church in-person or online is totally free and all are welcome! If you would like to gift a donation to our church, you can. All gifts go towards our mission of sharing the inclusive gospel of Jesus Christ.

I don’t know anyone, how do I get connected?

Church is a great place to find your community. When you attend in-person our welcome team will greet you at the door and help you find seating and assist you with any special needs. If you would like to talk to someone before your first visit, you can message us through the form above and have a chat with someone about visiting.

What type of worship music do you play?

We have chosen to express our singing worship through contemporary Christian music. Contemporary just means “with the times”. We believe that all sentiments expressed down through the ages in Hymns and Choruses are all expressed in the lyrics of contemporary music.

Do you have a children's program?

We aim to create an environment at church where people of all ages can be comfortable and experience worship together. While we do not have a formal children’s program, children of all ages are encouraged to join us in church, with seating at the back reserved for those with little ones. (We are currently looking for a ministry leader, please get in touch if you are interested to serve!)

Have more questions?

Please contact us via the form above and we will get back to you soon. Thank you!