Podcast: Prophecies Miracles and Healed Lives

Podcast: Prophecies Miracles and Healed Lives

God is calling LGBTIQA people of faith and their allies to hold tight to the promise you received from God. To know the prophecies meant something, the miracles are real and there are many whose lives will be healed if we don’t allow anything to keep us from our dance...
Podcast: Prophecies Miracles and Healed Lives

Podcast: Janet Robertson Sharing

Janet Robertson, Director of Encounter Missions International shares with Melbourne Inclusive Church the transformational power of the church. We can reach our LGBTIQ+A community with the love of God through our church. “Melbourne Inclusive Church (MIC) boldly...
Podcast: Prophecies Miracles and Healed Lives

Podcast: Is it the Real You

Pastor Becky shares about two moves of God from 50 years ago. The birth of the MCC church which welcomed LGBTIQ people of faith and the birth of two US ministries; Calavary Chapel and Vineyard through the life of an LGBTIQ hippie named Lonnie Freebie. As part of the...
Podcast: Prophecies Miracles and Healed Lives

Podcast: Jesus and His Mates

Throughout Jesus ministry we see a few different types of people with whom he interacted. Jesus interacted with the group to which we all belonged at one time, what we call the following group or the community. These are the folks who were curious about Jesus and...