Podcast: Changing the Narrative through the Power of Testimony

Podcast: Jonahs God, My God

Jonah teaches us about God’s love for all people. Who are you struggling to love? How far would you run to avoid them? “Melbourne Inclusive Church (MIC) boldly and proudly proclaims Christ’s equal love for all people regardless of their ability,...
Podcast: Changing the Narrative through the Power of Testimony

Podcast: Accelerate-Prayer

Prayer is the most important form of communication that we have with God. God has been to your tomorrow; God knows what you need. Developing a habit of prayer keeps you connected to the one who loves you the most. Pray regularly, pray authentically, and see your...
Podcast: Changing the Narrative through the Power of Testimony

Podcast: Romans 8 Part 2 – No Frustration

Sometimes waiting can be so difficult! Our walk with Jesus can feel that way sometimes too when we don’t feel like we are growing fast enough. What do we do in those moments when we think….I’m so frustrated! I’m never going to change! Listen in...
Podcast: Changing the Narrative through the Power of Testimony

Podcast: Romans 8 Part 1 – No Condemnation

When Paul tells us in Romans 8 that there is no condemnation for those who are “in Christ” what does that really mean for us? How do we take hold of this gift when we know we still make mistakes? MIC will explore Romans 8 over the next 4 weeks. Join on...