Our Life in Video

Our Videos

Spirit-filled Entrepreneur – Pt 3

Spirit-filled Entrepreneur – Pt 3

In part 3 of our Spirit-Filled Entrepreneur series we look at the gifts that each of us have been given and how they line up with our passions. Pastor Becky explains how crisis can be an opportunity as we look at examples of people in our own lives and public figures...

Spirit-filled Entrepreneur – Pt 2

Spirit-filled Entrepreneur – Pt 2

Learning to listen to God's voice can seem overwhelming but in this sermon, Pastor Becky gives practical steps to help us hear Holy Spirit's guidance. This week we look at our passions, values and start to explore what gifts we each have as we wait to hear what God is...

Spirit-filled Entrepreneur – Pt 1

Spirit-filled Entrepreneur – Pt 1

As the body of Christ, we represent God where ever we go. Our everyday lives are meant to be lived in the light of God's love and provision and the natural flow on effect is that the world see Christ through us. Even though we are in a cold and dark winter, stressful...

Unclobber: 1st Corinthians

Unclobber: 1st Corinthians

When Paul saw the early Christians returning to idol worship, he was disturbed by the behaviour and reminded the church in Corinth that those who worship idols will not inherit the Kingdom of God. In this sermon, Pastor Becky breaks down the meanings of the words in...

Unclobber: God in Queer Relationships – Testimonies

Unclobber: God in Queer Relationships – Testimonies

Two same-sex couples from Melbourne Inclusive Church, Kiera and Jenny and Su-An and Cherlyn, share how God has been with them through their lives. How He has guided them in their journey of understanding their sexuality, relationships, faith and how He has blessed...

Unclobber: Romans

Unclobber: Romans

In the book of Romans, Paul addresses how the people had exchanged the knowledge of God to instead worship man-made idols and foreign gods. Part of these forms of worship required men and woman to exchange their natural sexual orientations and o instead engage in...

Service Timings

Sundays @ 10:30am
648 High St Reservoir, Melbourne